When applying for a credit card, you must provide your Social Security number, which is a challenge for many people. Some persons do not have this form of documentation, such as nonresident foreign nationals and other people who do not have birth certificates for other reasons. Even if you do not have a Social Security number, it is possible to get a credit card, thanks to the several available options.
Certain people who do not have a Social Security number and are not qualified to receive one can apply for a taxpayer identification number from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). According to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), the taxpayer identification number is made available to qualified individuals who require a federal tax identification number or who are required to submit a federal tax return.
Some financial institutions accept ITINs and other forms of alternative identification when processing credit card applications. However, having an ITIN does not mean you will be accepted. A borrower's creditworthiness is another factor considered by lenders. By reading this, you can learn how to apply for a credit card without an SSN.
You will not be eligible for some benefits if you are not a United States citizen and do not have a Social Security number. If this is the case, you must apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) from the Internal Revenue Service before applying for a credit card.
As a part of this process, the US government assigns aliens, both resident and nonresident, a unique identification number consisting of nine digits. A nonresident or resident alien can engage in financial transactions, file tax returns, rent housing, and obtain credit cards with one of these numbers. Form W-7 must be filled out and sent in before an individual can begin the straightforward process of getting an ITIN.
Before proceeding, you must present documents establishing your identity and provide your contact information. Applying for an ITIN does not incur any fees. However, the processing time can take up to seven weeks. You need to send in your application at least two months before you think you might require it.
Even if you do not have a Social Security number or cannot transfer your credit file from your home country to the United States, your application will still be considered by a select set of financial institutions. You will almost certainly need an ITIN, and you may have to hand in your application in person at a branch that's close to where you live.
You are not required to proceed in this manner indefinitely at all. After a few months, you will have paid your credit card statement promptly, earning a FICO score that signals to lenders how responsible you are when borrowing credit. This score will remain with you for the rest of your life.
American Express is the most well-known credit card company that does not need applicants to provide their Social Security number or a credit report to be approved for a credit card account. The catch is that on the date the payment is due, you are normally required to pay out the entire debt balance.
A secured credit card is another kind of credit card that is useful for non-citizens and students studying abroad to have in their possession. In exchange for providing a security deposit to the financial institution, which can range anywhere from $200 to $500 in value, you are granted access to a revolving credit line.
With secured credit cards, one can establish a regular payment history with major credit reporting agencies such as Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. These agencies are used to determine one's creditworthiness. Your ability to make on-time payments to your creditors should increase your FICO score.
This increase should be proportional to the number of times you can do so. Connecting your protected Visa and Mastercard accounts to a bank account with headquarters in the United States and setting up automated payments for those accounts will allow you to manage the low credit limit on those accounts and ensure that your monthly payments are made on time.
Suppose you have a reliable family or friend living in the United States with a credit card account. If that is the case, you should discuss the possibility of being an authorized user on the card. Offer to refund the primary user for any charges you initiate if they are unwilling to add you as an additional user.
Becoming an authorized user on just a card can fast improve your credit score so long as the primary purchaser's account is in great shape with on-time payments. However, it is only the case if the primary cardholder's account is in good standing with on-time payments.
On the other hand, being an authorized user requires participation on both sides. Suppose the primary user gets into difficulties, such as missing payments or using up the card's credit limit. In that case, you are also subject to the same credit penalties as the principal user.
Becoming an authorized user on some person's account can help you boost your credit quickly. You can fast improve your credit score and establish a reliable payment history if you and the primary user can be trusted to handle the account appropriately.
Remember to read the fine points before applying for any credit card. Don't forget to factor in any late payment costs you might incur. Avoid applying for more than two credit cards at once. Credit card issuers may view several applications as a sign that you have financial difficulties and are a high-risk borrower if you apply for many cards at once.